Permaculture and universal energies are available to each and everyone of us. We can sow, plant and grow without the use of chemicals, pesticides etc. and use the universal energies the way our ancestors would have done.

Growing food can be done economically, it need not cost a fortune and can be done on a small or large scale from window boxes to acres, putting it within reach for everybody. So we can nourish our bodies with good healthy clean food.

Here at Gaudin Gardens we believe in the three R's – Recuperate - Re-use - Recycle. The gardens were inexpensive to set up just time and effort plus Mr O just happens to have a mini digger and a quartz crystal pendulum.

Monday, 19 February 2018

New Life

Last Friday morning we had new life at Gaudin Gardens.  One of our sheep gave birth to a beautiful lamb, not sure if its male or female, mum is still very protective and stamps her foot if anything goes near her baby.
He/she is strong and healthy following mum everywhere.
I do process the some of the sheep's fleeces and spin the wool to knit Jumpers, cardigans and socks.  It takes time to do  but very worth while. 
I will do a separate blog post in the future, on how I turn a grubby fleece into wearable hand knitted clothing.

More signs of spring in the gardens with tiny violets and daffodils coming into flower.
Until next time
Blessings to all 

Thursday, 15 February 2018

Food for all

On Saturday I decided it was time to tidy up my greenhouse ready for spring sowing.  I'll use the word greenhouse lightly as its handmade from recycled windows which my neighbour donated and reject concrete blocks.

Unorganized mess
Space to walk, work and sit
Never the less it does the job really well, and has withstood some very strong winds in the last few years since Mr O constructed it for me.
Spring 2016
Spring 2016
On Tuesday I sowed my broad beans in recycled loo roll middles, placed into recycled plastic containers.  I prefer to sow them in the greenhouse and plant them out in the garden when they are strong and healthy. That way the seeds aren't eaten by rodents or anything else that might fancy eating them before they get a chance to germinate

Broad beans 13/02/2018
I have just soaked some Sweet Pea seeds ready to sow tomorrow.  I did sow sweet pea seeds in the autumn but not all of them germinated so I do need to sow more to ensure to have enough blooms to keep the bees happy again this year
July 2017
Until next time
Blessings to all

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

What a difference a day makes

Yesterday it was a beautiful cold sunny day and I was out in the gardens doing a bit of pruning and chopping back.

The birds were singing and feasting on the nuts and fat balls put out for them.

At the beginning of winter Mr O made a bird feeder as we wanted another one closer to the farmhouse. Its made from a branch of coppiced Willow with a square piece of recuperated wood attached to the top and some hooks he had left over from another project. It does the job, blends into the garden perfectly and didn't cost a centime.

Today we woke up to snow, quite a surprise as the forecast was for sleet and rain in our area of Brittany.

I've put more food out for the birds this morning, we don't want them going hungry. 

No work getting done in the garden today, so I went out with my camera this morning 
Here's a few photos taken of the Gardens and the surrounding area

Dew pond

Gaudin Farmhouse

Jean-Marc's horse

View north from balcony
Until next time

Blessings to All


Thursday, 1 February 2018


Today is first day of Imbolc the 1st day of spring in the Celtic calender, which is half way between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. 

A time of returning light and renewal

Buds on the Ribes are beginning to come to life and there is lots of new growth in the gardens.

The rhubarb is starting to grow back 

Primroses starting to peek through and a Hyacinth has come into flower

 Some of the wallflowers are in flower which is quite early

We've had a lot of rain and its been quite mild in January.

So the dew pond is full which is lovely to see.

Until next time 
Blessings to All